Saturday, November 9, 2013

Night Of Champions Possibly Tied To An Internet Marketing Company

By Robert Sutter

Earlier this week on Sunday, "Night of Champions" aired and it was one pay-per-view that attempted to live up to its theme. As the name would suggest, it's the show where all of the current champions have to defend their championships in one way or another. As strong as this concept is, though, I couldn't help but feel as though WWE slipped up more than a couple of times. How could have an Internet marketing company worked in order to make the show more effective in general?

One of the elements of the show that seemed to frustrate me more than anything else was how the interactive polls were done. WWE fans were allowed to vote on who they believed to be the greatest WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, amongst others. Each option would be given five candidates, which is the biggest issue that I have with this structure. I feel as though this is nothing short of a caveat, giving fans the illusion of a choice when they don't really have it at all.

In fact, I cannot help but feel as though a poll of this nature would have been better if networking had more of an influence. For example, what if Twitter was allowed in order to let fans send their tweets on who they believed were the best champions of each category? Tweets are easier to keep track of and it lets the fans become more involved. It sounds like a much better system than locking fans to predetermined choices without any kind of room to move around.

If any authority could come into effect to make this better, it would have to be an Internet marketing company. In my eyes, firms like fishbat are able to see just how important choices are and how they play into fan interaction overall all. Fans want to be able to have as much selection as possible so that they can be certain they aren't confined to just a couple of ideas. This, to me, has the potential to be a much more effective model than any other in the past.

Maybe it's a case of revisionist history that WWE wants to go about doing and seems to cast aside other popular choices. We believe there to be much more effective choices than the ones listed on the poll and we know that they more than deserve the attention that the company does not want to give them. In my mind, Twitter could have been the perfect platform, especially given WWE's insistence of pushing networking in general. However, it seemed like more of a missed opportunity than anything else.

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